Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Did I post last week? I can't remember. March has been a whirlwind. I moved, had a ton of great work on my plate, and have been bouncing about the city. I have been distracted.

I started to worry. My after work to do list has gotten longer every day, but I've realized distraction isn't the worst thing. We're all in this business because we love it, and in order to continue to love it distraction is necessary. It helps keep things light, keep things fun.

I've realized in the midst of distraction, comes some spectacular inspiration. For example, my new cookie jar took on a whole persona as my mom and I cleaned the new digs. Meet Polka Pig!

And who wouldn't get mushy over the fact that my dad packed up a Cookie Monster stuffed animal and drove with him in the front seat to make sure he got there safe?

Allow yourself time for distraction...not too much to neglect what's important, but just enough to have a good time!

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